Nova Farms Partners with the Louis Dee Brown Peace Institute

We are excited to share that we will be partnering with the Louis Dee Brown Peace Institute, working with their Re-Entry Program. The LDB Peace Institute is a non-profit organization that started in 1994, following the unjust killing of 15 year old, Louis Dee Brown. They help survivors end the cycle of violent crime, support families who are grieving the loss of a loved one by homicide, teach them how to cope with trauma and grief, as well as teaching providers, professionals, and civilians the value of peace, unity, and community through Peace Training sessions

Since 1994 they have expanded their outreach with partners such as the City of Boston, the Barr Foundation, and the Boston Medical Center to name a few. We made a donation to their foundation, along with our partnership, because we strongly believe in what they advocate. Violence doesn’t fix violence, but education does. In times of great change, we aspire to help uplift those who need it the most and hope to see great things bloom from this partnership.

Thank you for stopping by, and stay tuned for future announcements! We cannot wait to do great things together.

2 Responses

  1. This 70 yr old can’t wait till you open me and my family of happy Ole hippies will be checking you out ✌